Consortium Members & Partners

Many adults in our communities struggle to obtain employment or to advance beyond low-skilled, low paying jobs. For those without a high school diploma or significant barriers to employment, the challenge is even more pronounced. Helping these adults learn the basic academic and work readiness skills needed to become employable and increase their job opportunities is critical to the economic health of our region.

The Butte Glenn Educational Consortium is a network of participating school districts, educational providers, workforce development, and human services organizations. Consortium members are led by the Butte-Glenn Community College District and include surrounding K-12 school districts; Consortium partners are defined as any agency or group that offers Adult Education classes in one of the five categories set forth in AB104 legislation and receives some public funding to operate a program.

Together, we ensure that adults in Butte and Glenn Counties have access to educational programs that meet employer needs, enabling our students and our region to grow and thrive.


The definition of a Consortium member is in part determined through legislation and further refined by each individual Consortium. The members of the Butte-Glenn Adult Education Consortium are:

  • Butte-Glenn Community College District (elected fiscal lead)
  • Butte County Office of Education / ROP
  • Glenn County Office of Education
  • Hamilton Unified School District
  • Oroville Union High School District
  • Paradise Unified School District

The College District (Butte College) and the Consortium member school districts listed above have a long history of successful collaborative relationships in the implementation of Career Technical Education (CTE) collaborative projects, 2+2 articulation agreements, and other collaborative grant initiatives. Additionally, Butte College works closely with all school districts in the Butte-Glenn County service area.


The Butte–Glenn Adult Education Consortium defines a partner as any agency or group that offers Adult Education classes in one of the five categories set forth in AB104 legislation and receives some public funding to operate a program. As directed by the AB104 legislation, county offices of education are considered partners.

The Butte-Glenn Adult Education Consortium Partners have demonstrated their commitment to our mission and to the adult learners in our region.

  • Alliance for Workforce Development (AFWD)
  • Butte Community Based Coalition
  • Butte County Behavioral Health
  • Butte County Employment Center
  • Butte County Library
  • Butte County Sheriff
  • California Human Development – Chico Farmworker Service
  • California Vocations
  • Caminar
  • Department of Employment and Social Services, Butte County
  • Far Northern Regional Center
  • Glenn County Health and Human Services
  • Glenn County Sheriff
  • Mains’l Services
  • North Central Counties Consortium
  • Northern Rural Training and Employment Consortium (NoRTEC)
  • Willows and Orland Libraries
  • Work Training Center